Thursday, October 31, 2019

Projects 1,3,5 Math Problem Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Projects 1,3,5 - Math Problem Example Both of these particular dishwashers are 24 inch dishwashers, which makes them comparable. They both offer front control operation on their doors, and both offer a 1 year limited warranty. At first, it appears that the Hotpoint dishwasher will come out on top, as it starts out with the lower price point, beating out the sale price of the GE by a difference of $70.10, and beating the non-sale price of the GE by $110.00. Is it worth the additional hundred dollars to get the GE? The approximate operating cost per year of the Hotpoint is $24, while the GE has an approximate annual operating cost of $29. This brings the price difference up to $75.10 on sale or $115 standard for the first year. Whether or not this price difference is worth it, depends strongly on whether or not the additional features that the GE brings to the table are worth it to the person making the purchase. The GE offers a lower decibel level (it runs quieter than the Hotpoint), has a hard food disposer and water fil ter, has six different wash levels (two more than the Hotpoint), a stemware holder, a steam prewash setting, the silverware rack on the door (instead of contained in the lower rack itself), and nylon racks instead of the PVC racks that the Hotpoint has to offer. ... /Appliances-Dishwashers-Disposers-Dishwashers-Built-In-Dishwashers/h_d1/N-5yc1vZc3njZ1z10atjZ1z141o3Z1z10atj/R-203604506/h_d2/ProductDisplay?catalogId=10053&langId=-1&storeId=10051#.UR52tmewV8E Hotpoint Front Control Dishwasher in White: (Insert name and box number here) MA120 BID:294 February 18, 2013 Project 3: Systems of Equations Part A: Solving a System of Linear Equations BID: 294 [a]x +3y-z=4 2x-[b]y+7z=12 x+2y+[c]z=18 ----------------------- 2x+3y-z=4 2x-9y+7z=12 x+2y+4z=18 ------------------------ x = 38/29, y = 46/29, z = 98/29 The url used to solve this equation was: Part B: Applications of Systems of Linear Equations The stopping distance of a car traveling at 25 mph is 61.7 ft. and fo r a car traveling at 35 mph it is 106 ft. The stopping distance in feet can be described by the equation y = ax2+ bx, where x is the speed in mph. What is the stopping distance for a car traveling 55 mph? 625a+ 25b = 61.7 1225a+ 35b = 106 ---------------------------------- a = 0.056057142857143, b = 1.066571428571429 3025a+ 55b =y 169.572857143 + 58.6614285714 = y y = 228.234285714 The stopping distance of a car traveling 55mph would be 228.23 ft. (Insert name and box number here) MA 120 BID: 294 18 February 2013 Project 5: Linear Programming Applications An automobile manufacturer makes cars and trucks in a factory that is divided into two shops. Shop 1, which performs basic assembly, must work five man-days on each truck, but only two man-days on each car. Shop 2, which performs finishing

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

How to Improve Our Government Essay Example for Free

How to Improve Our Government Essay People every day make mistakes, and find flaws in their everyday tasks. No one person in this country can consider his, or herself, perfect. Knowledgeable people do exist in this world though, and our government strives to find and elect these representatives. These representatives then make decisions that affect our country in ways some might find positive, though others perceive as negative. Representatives could make decisions that would only impact our government in a negative way. Our government has its flaws, along with the people running it. I can think of several ways to help to improve the government and its efficiency. A decrease in government funding for our National Defense would increase funding in other important areas. People across our nation need jobs, and are struggling to find a source of income. If we used some of the funding that we attribute to our Nation Defense, then this money might benefit in the use of creating new jobs and opportunities for people. Not only would we have money to provide jobs, but this funding could be used to help create and search for new information in the field of Cancer Research. The government funds provide people that lack occupations and have no source of income, with a reliable way of obtaining money for themselves to provide for his or her, and/or his or her family. These welfare recipients may draw unemployment after applying and meeting the requirements need to obtain this welfare money. These requirements may not be strict enough, which would lead to the allowance of the unemployed to gather money while being lazy in the process. Due to the lack of work ethic found in people, drug use may attribute to this laziness. A requirement may need to be added in order for the recipients to pass a drug test (a test for multiple drugs) in order to draw unemployment, in return saving the wasted money the government provides to the unworthy. The government could invest much of their funding in renewable energy sources. The post installation outcome of these windmills, energy providing dams, etc. would help save money later on in the future. With these funds being provided to help â€Å"Go Green†, the earth itself would take a drastic increase in cleanliness. The government then might avoid conflicts  with foreign nations in the search for the fossil fuels, of which we currently use as energy. Doing this might then allow us to pull our troops out of these foreign nations, saving lives and money provided for the troops. The government has a reliable system that has gotten our country out of some troubled times, and may be one of the most united governments the world has seen. As previously stated though, nothing and no single person is perfect. With these little changes in the way the government goes about, it may impact funding, our unity, and occupations for the people of the United States, allowing people to live and prosper, with freedom and peace throughout.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Increasing Trends Of Smart Phones

The Increasing Trends Of Smart Phones With the emergence of new technologies and communication medium, the world is becoming borderless. This fosters desire to remain connected every moment. Every people like to share information across the world. The digitisation of data, voice, and video has fostered excitement within the customers. The advent of digital television, set-top boxes, MP3 players, mobile phones, digital cameras are entering into everyones home. The Internet with smartly connected appliances has given birth to digital revolution. One such revolution has been emerged in the cell phone industry. Earlier, when cell phones were launched, it belonged to the segment of luxury product. With the digitalisation, the analogue phones moved to digital mobile phones. Source: (Gallagher, 2009) This fostered clear and reliable calls. Additionally, provided features such as call waiting, gaming, global roaming etc. All these digital consumer devices are rising at exponential rate because of its ability to access, modify, and manage information at any time and anywhere in the world. Today, over 3.6 billion people own or use mobile devices i.e. 25% of worlds population and 1.1 billion people access internet through desktop PC. Cellular phones had the maximum growth among all digital devices including computers. Today, more people access Internet via mobile than through computers. With the emerging new technology, innovation, smart phones came in the market. The demand for smart phones is rising at exponential rate. 3. Smart phones Smart phones are the mobile phone having all capabilities of phones i.e. making and receiving phone calls, sms, and accessing the web. It provides computing feature along with connectivity. These are digital phones having features of PDA cellular devices. Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) is a mobile device that has various computing features like: access to e-mail, store email, play games, exchange faxes and data, browse Internet, send and receives multimedia files etc. PDA allows user to do various computer related jobs such as editing documents, using spreadsheets and databases, preparing presentations etc. It has built-in or option to accept Wi-Fi capabilities, Bluetooth capability and may also offer infrared beam to transfer information between various devices. Smart phones helps user to access email wirelessly, allow communication via voice or text, browse Internet, connect to secure corporate network, synchronize appointments, contacts, and calendars. The smart phones are desig ned in a sleek and lightweight model; QWERTY keypad centric device and a common operating system. Smart phones ability to support Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, IR beaming features makes it more demanding device. The smart phones are the fastest growing segment of the cellular phone market that consists of powerful processors, large screen, operating systems, and abundant memory space. The demands for smart phones are growing and have climbed to 55.2 million in Q1 2010. The growth of smart phones rose to 67% this year (Vincent Chang, 2010). Source: Vincent. (2010). Source: Vincent. (2010). Today, smart phones can be used for diversified purposes replacing the use of previous media, that too with unique and competitive benefits. The mobile can be used for making and receiving calls, it is used to reading text, email messages or books through mobile devices. It has expanded its scope from just communication to distribution of knowledge and absorption of information. It facilitates synchronization of reading positions, browse, download or purchase content over the air and interact with friends globally. It also helps in playing songs, watching movies, listening to radios, watching television etc. 4. Impact of smart phones on the various digital devices we own Smart phones are now become the most lucrative segment of mobile industry. North America and Europes smart phones shipment accounted of 25% of total wireless handset sales in 2009. By 2015, smart phones will increase by 47% of the wireless handset market. In addition to this, smart phones are becoming one of the main Internet access channels. According to a study done by Gartner, mobile phones are expected to overtake Internet access through personal computer by 2013. It is fact that smart phones provides diversified features of various standalone products, and will be owned by the consumers. Smart phones provide multiple features of various handheld devices that will affect the purchase standalone cameras, media player, gaming devices, personal computers etc. It is estimated that smart phones will become the single most common handheld devices in the near future. The feature of smart phones to allow browsing Internet and stay connected has fostered human to bypass even personal comp uters demand. The Internet browsing through smart phones provides faster access to Internet as compared to personal computers. It is more personal medium of Internet browsing. Because of this, smart phones has already bypassed personal computers demand in the recent years. The facility to edit documents work with spreadsheet, PowerPoint, and databases, has reduced the demand for PC. As smart phones are more handy and convenient to carry, people would like to use it in place of PC. Moreover, camera features are provided with smart phones that facilitate consumers to do photography as well as recording through the same device. Listening to music or radios from the air, downloading and uploading music or media files are facilitated through the same smart phones. Therefore, instead of possessing media player to listen music; PC to access Internet; mobiles just to make and receive calls; DVD to watch movies; cameras for photography, etc; it is simpler, easier, convenient, reliable and cheaper to carry one single device having all the above features i.e. smart phones. This will adversely affect demand and profitability of the various digital device producers. Even the craze of application on mobiles are growing and making mobile producers to add new features into the smart phones. The increasing trend of smart phones will subside the need of various digital devices but will also face with various implications. Security threat through mobile will increase; the increasing demand for smart phones will result in heavy traffic congestion that will result in slower and disruptive speed. It will lead to extra burden on the wireless networks. Moreover, advanced features of various digital devices are hard to be included in the smart phones and inclusion of all technology will make it more expensive. The increasing craze to have multi-feature smart phones will increase the demand and also increases its price. Thus, making more profit in growth and profitability to the producers. 5. Introduction to e-commerce Web Technology 2.0 In the era of rapid globalisation, more and more companies are gaining competitive advantage by using internet for direct selling and for communication with the suppliers, customers, creditors, clients, shareholders, partners, competitors who are normally dispersed globally. The use of Internet for the above purpose is termed as Electronic Commerce. Electronic Commerce or popularly know as e-commerce includes all electronically mediated transactions between organizations and the third party it deals with. It includes financial transactions such as buying and selling on the Internet. Also deals with request for some information by the customer or customer feedback through Internet etc. According to Kalakota and Whinston (1997), e-commerce has various perspectives. For instance: The delivery of information, product or services or payment by electronic media. The application of technology towards the automation of business transactions and workflows. Providing service delivery with increased speed and improved quality, along with reduce cost. Online buying and selling of products and information. E-commerce fosters organisation to sell products, advertise, purchase supplies, bypass intermediaries, track inventories, eliminate paperwork and share information. E-commerce helps to minimize the expenses and unwieldiness of time, distance and space involved in doing business globally. This helps to gain better customer service, high efficiency, improved products, higher profitability and increased competitive advantage. With the passing of time, Web Technology 2.0 was introduced. Web Technology 2.0 was the term coined by OReilly. It is transformation of Internet into Web platform having full-fledged computing. According to this, platform is characterized by open sourcing, greater interactivity between user and also providing facility for uploading or downloading anything user desires. For example, web logs, wikis, RSS feeds, social networking, Web API, Orkut, MySpace etc. the technology includes server-software, message-protocols; standards based plugins and various client applications. Some of the e-commerce hosting solutions having Web 2.0 features are: Free blogs many web-hosting providers give blogs free of charges. These are easy to use and friendly with the search engines. Social networking tools chatting scripts and bulletin boards provide power to create a community environment. Multimedia support Multimedia technologies such as Flash and Silverlight, can be used to enhance the experience of each site visitors. 6. Impact of E-Commerce and Web Technology 2.0 in Amazon Inc Amazon is an online retail website incorporated in 1994, USA. The company is listed at NASDAQ (listed in the year 1997 as AMZN) and has global operation in USA, France, Canada, Germany, UK and Japan. Amazon is the first company to sell products directly or becoming a platform for sale of various products. The Amazon was established with the vision to become Earths biggest bookstore but currently it has product portfolio that includes diversified items, ranging from books to household products. It includes music, videos, electronics, toys, beauty products, games, and apparels. The company also offers services such as self-publishing, e-commerce platform, online advertising and co-branded credit card. This global Internet company had around 64 million active global customers and reported revenue of 24.50 Billion in the last financial year. The company also reported 27.9% of sales growth (2009) and consists of 24,300 employees. (Yahoo Finance n.d.). E-commerce technology has been implemented at Amazon. The basic objective was to use Internet for buying books with high speed, convenience, and as enjoyable shopping moment. To have satisfied shopping experience, Amazon Inc created an e-retail infrastructure to meet the needs of the customers. For instance, demand for out-of-print book is fulfilled by, first checking its availability with the suppliers and then notifying customers through email for purchase conditions and price before shipping it. E-commerce implementation at Amazon helped them to have reliable, secure, scalable, better experience, transparent pricing etc ( n.d.). Amazon success was achieved due to its loyal customer base and repeated purchases. This was achieved through easy to use functionality; prompt customer service, trusted transaction environment, editorial and customer reviews, manufactured product information and customized web pages with individual preferences, facilities for notifications and re commendations etc. With the help of Web2.0 technologies, its online community provides product reviews, one recommendations lists, buying guides, wish lists, wedding and baby registers. E-Commerce helped to reach customers globally as well as carry its operation in 24*7 modes. Moreover, at Amazon, it subcontracted most inbound logistics and operations, retaining only the order processing, billing and customer service functions. During 1999, it started building its own warehouses in order to have more control over logistics. This simple change I the value chain has a profound impact on the organisation and its cost structure. The firm infrastructure at Amazon id considerably smaller than a traditional retailers, as is the effort devoted to managing it. It requires far less real estate, no investment to build or remodel stores and no stores sales personnel when compared to the other value chains. Human resources has fewer people to hire and train, technology development focuses on the website for taking orders and not on sales systems for retail stores. Amazon has implemented a feature called one-click checkout. This states that if you have provided information earlier like shipping and billing address, credit card numbers, and the user can click on one button to checkout. 7. Impact of E-Commerce and Web Technology 2.0 in eBay EBay is a company formed in the year 1997, California U.S.A. The company is an auction company and also provides online shopping website. EBay holds 88% market share and fosters online person-to-person auction community. The eBay Inc deals basically in three businesses i.e. (Yahoo Finance n.d.) eBay marketplace it provides online e-commerce platform that fosters buyers and sellers interactions and trading with each other. It allows sellers to list items for sale on and auction or fixed price basis. The buyers are given options to bid for and purchase desired items. It also provides feedback forum, verified rights owner programs, safe harbour programs, loyalty programs, and customer support. Online payment services with the help of PayPal, it aims to create new global standards for online payments. It enables customers with an email address for receiving and sending online payments. This provides various services like: Bill Me Later transactional credit for U.S. online consumers at the time of sale, verification of PayPal, withdrawing of money by account holder, trust and safety programs etc. its safety programs are to reassure customers about the secure online service on eBay. Skype Internet Telephony The success of online auction industry depends upon expertise in technology, talented human resource, product innovation, after sales service, technical assistance, customer services, accurate billing, advertising and e-commerce. This also includes gaining a large customer base; retaining existing customers, secure payment and range of products. EBay offers collectibles, real estates, vehicles; office equipments etc. It fosters its customers to create personalized auctions and online stores for selling used or new products. Its peer reviews creates confidence and operation in global market opens new markets. The supply chain at eBay is: The eBay core competencies were bidding site, technical proficiency and usability. Its major focus is on connecting people and focus on community. Therefore, it exploits benefits of customer relationship management. Its revenues are from listing and commission on completed sales. The e-commerce helped eBay to establish worldwide electronic auction. This fostered amazing sales and profit growth over the previous years. The main product helped to increase profits were eBay motors, media and collectibles. E-commerce and Web technology 2.0 also fostered greater impact on the popularity of Amazon and eBay companies. The e-commerce helps the organisation to provide convenience to buyers and sellers. Here, every transaction or request is based on Internet, so buyers job is just to click the items to be purchased, add in the shopping cart and make payment. This helps to save time as well as compare products of different brands from different e-shopping stores. The e-commerce ability to provide safe and confidential transactions creates trust. The company offers to deliver safe and timely products and in some cases, full refund of money if goods are damaged. The web technologies 2.0 includes various social networking platforms such as Face book, orkut, etc. the Face book has 200 million users whereas orkut has 60 million users and Myspace has 110 million users. Among 200 million users of face book, half of the users login on the site each day. The integration of online market place with soc ial networks, provides higher satisfaction to the consumer as here, transactions are done with social friends. Web technology 2.0 allows consumers to play active role in as well as get involved in the website content. This helps the business to gain trust, credibility and popularity. It helps to create communities on the basis on existing products; building relationship and exploring new relationships with their customers. Web 2.0 technologies help to establish and strengthen brand recognition and allow customer to be retained. EBay has detailed feed back report that bridges the gap between organisation and customers. Face book platform is used to promote eBay business. EBay Auctions application helps to show auction listing on personal Face book profile. The customers can also browse friends auctions, search, creating wish lists, comment etc. Thus, e-commerce helped Amazon and eBay to gain competitive advantage through implementing e-commerce in their business as well as web techno logy 2.0 provides various social network platforms to the company. This social network fostered them to shift from static web pages to dynamic websites, where users can upload or give comment or their opinions freely. This ultimately helped the company to bridge the gap between firm and consumer and also fostered better understanding of their customer base, and as tools of promotions to their offerings. Thus, e-commerce and web 2.0 helped organisation to achieve its triple bottom line more efficiently and effectively.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Failure of Journalism during the Civil War in El Salvador Essay

The Failure of Journalism during the Civil War in El Salvador The Civil War in El Salvador was an event that most individuals misunderstood. A twelve year conflict and a power struggle that claimed to keep communism out of El Salvador killed 75,000 people and the whole story still remains untold. The Civil War in El Salvador was a conflict that roughly started in 1980 and ended with the peace accords in 1992. These dates are rough because there were many conflicts before 1980 and even after the peace accords were signed in 1992 the â€Å"death squads [1] † were still active every now and again. With respect to United States involvement, the reason the United States was initially involved was to block communist rule from spreading to another country. In hope of preventing this â€Å"communist spread†, the U.S. trained and equipped the Salvadoran military to be very powerful and very dangerous. The reason the U.S. felt the military would stop communism is because leftist groups had begun to organize themselves around the gueri llas. Due to this separation of power in the war torn country, anyone who supported or even acknowledged the guerillas and the leftist side was given the harshest and most severe punishment, often death. Because of these harsh and hostile conditions the real story of the leftist side was often skewed. As the government in power began to oppress the people, leftist groups formed in opposition to the militant government oppression. When enough leftists had come together they formed what was known as the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (F.M.L.N.), which got a bad reputation from the beginning for having Marxist ideals (Stanley 2), hence the United States involvement to keep communism out of Central ... ... truth. [1] The term â€Å"death squad† is a term used for effect. The word itself leads to biases because of the very nature that the term implies. Terminology like this was just one instance that made reports biased. [2] This ignorance was an ignorance of the culture as well as the specific details of the war. It is not a requirement that reporters be proficient in the language of the country they are reporting in and so the vagueness of many reports can be somewhat attributed to this scenario. [3] Its seem interesting to note that the U.N. truth commission itself seemed to distinguish murders committed by the army and murders committed by the death squads when it is quite clear that the death squads were operating under close control of the army. [4] Ethnocentricity defined by is the â€Å"belief in the superiority of one's own ethnic group.†

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Forecasting at Hard Rock Cafe

For the following case: †¢View the Video Case for Chapter 3 for OMMyLab †¢Bulletize the following (so that the case can be understood fully from your bullets and not have to read the case) †¢Clearly articulate the question(s) you are answering before providing you answer †¢Quantitative Issue The manager is trying to evaluate how a new advertising campaign affects guest counts. Using data for the past 10 months (see the table) develop a least squares regression relationship and then forecast the expected guest count when advertising is $65,000. Provide the answer to your boss and then provide the model as backup) †¢Qualitative Issues 1. Describe three different forecasting applications at Hard Rock. Name three other areas in which you think Hard Rock could use forecasting models. (Justify your choices) 2. What is the role of the POS system in forecasting at Hard Rock? 3. Justify the use of the weighting system used for evaluating man ¬agers for annual bonuse s. 4. Name several variables besides those mentioned in the case that could be used as good predictors of daily sales in each cafe.Provide backup using appropriate technology (Provide the spreadsheets as spreadsheets). Forecasting at Hard Rock Cafe With the growth of Hard Rock Cafe—from one pub in London in 1971 to more than 129 restaurants in more than 40 countries today—came a corporate wide demand for better forecasting. Hard Rock uses long-range forecasting in setting a capacity plan and intermediate-term forecasting for locking in contracts for leather goods (used in jackets) and for such food items as beef, chicken, and pork.Its short-term sales forecasts are conducted each month, by cafe, and then aggregated for a headquarters view. The heart of the sales forecasting system is the point-of-sale sys ¬tem (FOS), which, in effect, captures transaction data on nearly every person who walks through a cafe's door. The sale of each entree repre ¬sents one customer; the entree sales data are transmitted daily to the Orlando corporate headquarters' database. There, the financial team, headed by Todd Lindsey, begins the forecast process.Lindsey fore ¬casts monthly guest counts, retail sales, banquet sales, and concert sales (if applicable) at each cafe. The general managers of individual cafes tap into the same database to prepare a daily forecast for their sites. A cafe manager pulls up prior years' sales for that day, adding information from the local Chamber of Commerce or Tourist Board on upcoming events such as a major convention, sporting event, or con ¬cert in the city where the cafe is located. The daily forecast is further broken into hourly sales, which drives employee scheduling.An hourly forecast of $5,500 in sales translates into 19 workstations, which are further broken down into a specific number of wait staff, hosts, bartenders, and kitchen staff. Computerized scheduling software plugs in people based on their availability. V ariances between forecast and actual sales are then examined to see why errors occurred. Hard Rock doesn't limit its use of forecasting tools to sales. To evaluate managers and set bonuses, a 3-year weighted moving average is applied to cafe sales. If cafe general managers exceed their targets, a bonus is computed.Todd Lindsey, at corporate headquarters, applies weights of 40% to the most recent year's sales, 40% to the year before, and 20% to sales 2 years ago in reaching his moving average. An even more sophisticated application of statistics is found in Hard Rock's menu planning. Using multiple regression, managers can compute the impact on demand of other menu items if the price of one item is changed. For example, if the price of a cheeseburger increases from $7. 99 to $8. 99, Hard Rock can predict the effect this will have on sales of chicken sandwiches, pork sandwiches, and salads.Managers do the same analysis on menu placement, with the center section driving higher sales vo lumes. When an item such as a hamburger is moved off the center to one of the side flaps, the corresponding effect on related items, say french fries, is determined. Hard Rock’s Moscow Cafe Data Month 12345678910 Guest count 21 24 27 32 29 37 43 43 54 66 (in thousands) Advertising 14 17 25 25 35 35 45 50 60 60 (in $ thousand)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How Starfish See With Eyespots

How Starfish See With Eyespots Starfish, which are more scientifically known as sea stars,  dont have any visible body parts that look like eyes. So how do they see? While it may not look like starfish have eyes, they do, although theyre not like our eyes. A starfish has eyespots that cannot see much in the way of details but can detect light and dark. These eyespots are at the tip of each of the starfishs arms. That means that a 5-armed starfish has five eyespots, and a 40-armed starfish has 40! How to See a Starfishs Eyespots A starfishs eyespots lie underneath its skin, but you can see them. If you get a chance to gently hold a starfish, often it will tilt the end of its arms upward. Look at the very tip, and you might see a black  or red dot. Thats the eyespot. Cartoons that portray starfish with a face with eyes in the center of their body are therefore inaccurate. A starfish is actually looking at you with its arms, not from the center of its body. Its just easier for cartoonists to portray them that way. Structure of the Sea Star Eye The eye of a sea star is very small. On a blue star, they are only about half a millimeter wide. They have a groove on the underside of each arm that has the tube feet that stars use to move. The eye is made of a couple hundred light-collecting units and is located at the end of one of the tube feet on each arm. It is a compound eye like that of an insect, but it doesnt have a lens to focus the light. This reduces its ability to see anything but light, dark, and large structures such as the coral reef it needs to live on. What Sea Stars Can See Sea stars cant detect color. They dont have the color-detecting cones that human eyes do, so they are colorblind and see only light and dark. They also cant see fast-moving objects as their eyes work slowly. If something swims by them fast, they simply wont detect it. They cant see any details because they have so few light-detecting cells. Experiments have shown they can detect large structures, and even that was a surprise for scientists, who for a long time thought they could only see light and dark. Each eye of the sea star has a large field of vision. If all of their eyes werent blocked, they could see for 360 degrees around themselves. They could probably limit their field of vision using their other tube feet on each arm as blinders. Sea stars likely see just enough to be able to get to where they want to be, on a rock or coral reef where they can feed.