Sunday, December 22, 2019

United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and...

United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Training Conference on: â€Å"A Framework for Caribbean Investigation and Analysis† â€Å"New Issues in Integrated Planning and Development in the Public Sector† by: Azad N. Hosein President, Microsearch International , Inc. Project Management Consultants e-mail: 1 Topics †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Conclusion An Overview of the Planning and Development Process An Analysis of the Institutional Weaknesses in the Planning and Development Process Recommendations for Improving Economic Performance in Development Programmes A Model for an Integrated Project Management System 2 Why do development projects generally fail to achieve their defined economic objectives ?†¦show more content†¦10 Example of a Work Breakdown Structure Chart - Rice Irrigation Project Rice Irrigation Project Start-up Activities Start-up Meeting Mobilize Resources Develop Work Plan Irrigation Canals Plan Canals Dig Canals Install Water Pumps Generators Sluice Gates Purchase Sluice Gates Install Sluice Gates Install Power Supply Reservoirs Dig Reservoirs Install Water Pumps Install Flood Control System Personnel Recruit Personnel Train Personnel Establish Maintenance Facility Operating Plan Develop Flood Mgt Plan Develop Maint. Plan Develop Personnel 11 Plan EXAMPLE OF A GANTT CHART 12 Example of a Tracking Gantt Chart 13 Major Weaknesses in the Planning and Development Framework used in the Public Sector 14 Inconsistencies among the Planning Models †¢ There are design, development and funding inconsistencies among: – – – – – – A political party’s Political Ideology A political party’s Election Manifesto The Five-year National Development Plan The three year rolling Medium-term Planning Framework The one-year Public sector Investment Programme Ad hoc programme introduced without reference to any of these planning models These are compounded by a lack of synchronization among the start and end of the various planning horizons 15 Overemphasis on Achieving Ministry Objectives The process of planning and approving the projects in the PSIP reinforces the achievement of ministry objectives, manyShow MoreRelatedA Brief History of Unctad.1096 Words   |  5 PagesUnited Nations Conference on Trade and Developmement United Nations Conference on Trade and Development | Acronyms | UNCTAD | Head | Supachai Panitchpakdi | Status | Active | Established | 1964 | Headquarters | Geneva, Switzerland | Website | | The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) was established in 1964 as a permanent intergovernmental body. 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